With Capitalism, A Love Story, Mr. Moore is out of his league. He seems to have a dearth of knowledge and understanding when it comes to economic/political theory. At a time when we need to know, need to sort out the pieces of the tragedy of our lives, we need more than this superficial documentary. With the loss of our homes, our source of livelihood, health care, education for our children we need answers, more knowledge not the confusion of terms and ideas that Michael Moore offers.
This film should not have been made in the cheap, seemingly rushed manner with careless details, and slapstick humor. This is a tragedy that needs reality, examination with merit and a delineation of the perils ahead. The New Deal of the Roosevelt administration has come and gone. It never did cure the Great Depression and it certainly can't help us now.
We are in a worldwide crisis that is not going away and we need to focus on the real. But the laughs that Michael Moore offer up to a confused, bewildered public are funny, at points, amusing.
For me the music was the best part of the film. The content, the words and ideas were not.
Maybe for you, there is something worth the price of admission particularly if you like looking at Michael Moore as he looks into the camera.
WBAI Women's Collective
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