British actress Keira Knightley has volunteered for a new campaign, sponsored by Women’s Aid, to help raise awareness of the plight of battered women. The PSA ad is shot by her Atonement director Joe Wright.
The short film is titled CUT, and was made for the UK charity Women's Aid. In the disturbing video, Keira is seen leaving a movie set and arriving home to unexpectedly face a violent partner. He beats her, pulling her up by the hair and kicking her in the stomach.
The camera then pans to show she's still on the movie set, while the words 'isn't it time someone called cut' flash across the screen. Keira can be heard screaming in the background.
Keira says,“Domestic violence kills two women every week but we rarely hear about it. I wanted to take part in this advert for Women's Aid because domestic violence exists in every section of society. We may not think we know someone who has experienced domestic violence, but this does not mean that it is not happening.
The film is being shown on UK television and in theaters there.
I think it's awesome that this is being targeted in such a high profile way... But I do sort of have to question the veneer of glamour using a clear movie set and actress like Knightley gives domestic violence. Raising awareness almost certainly makes it worth it... And shout out to Knightley for being part of it. But I'm still disturbed by the aesthetic.